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- /*
- ** =====>> Calendar Pal <<=====
- **
- **
- **
- ** Calendar/Planner system written in ARexx
- **
- ** Written by: Dan R. Schenck - (918) 492-0523 - GEnie: D.SCHENCK
- **
- ** Version: 1.01
- **
- ** Last revised: 16-DEC-89
- **
- ** Note: Requires RexxArpLib
- **
- ** A special thanks to Mike Meyer for developing the calendar routine
- ** used in this program.
- **
- */
- parse upper arg month year .
- true = 1
- false = 0
- pm = false
- doffx = 31
- doffy = 11
- sysinfo = " Calendar Pal v1.01\"
- sysinfo = sysinfo || " Written by:\ Dan Schenck\\"
- sysinfo = sysinfo || " Tulsa, Oklahoma"
- OrigConfigfile = "Cal-Pal.cfg"
- configfile = OrigConfigfile
- database = "Cal-Pal.dbf"
- wx1 = 0
- wy1 = 0
- IconOn = false
- ix1 = 515
- iy1 = 377
- VerifyKey = "FFEE"x||"Cal-Pal v1.01"
- OldVerifyKey = "FFEE"x||"Cal-Pal v1.00"
- saved = false
- daybg=false
- pd = false
- ym = 0
- saving = false
- searchstr = ""
- seadirection = "Forward"
- seayear = "This Year"
- seamonth = "This Month"
- yeartrigger = false
- Lock = false
- if showlist('h','SPEAK') then
- do
- voice = true
- SFile = "T:++CP-Speak"
- end
- else voice = false
- /* Is screen interlace? If not, we'll have to open our own! */
- if ~ScreenLace() then
- do
- newscreen = true
- ScreenID = 'CPS'
- end
- else
- do
- newscreen = false
- ScreenID = 'Workbench'
- end
- /* Is Cal-Pal already active? */
- if show('P',"CALHOST") then
- do
- call PostMsg(wx1+50,wy1+50,"WARNING!!\\Calendar Pal Already Active",ScreenID)
- call delay(200)
- call PostMsg
- exit
- end
- /* Make sure all the libraries are there */
- if ~show('L',"rexxarplib.library") then
- rtn = addlib('rexxarplib.library',0,-30,0)
- if ~show('L',"rexxsupport.library") then
- rtn = addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30,0)
- if ~show('L',"rexxmathlib.library") then
- rtn = addlib('rexxmathlib.library',0,-30,0)
- /* Set up the months table - from names to numbers, */
- months. = 0
- months.jan = 1
- months.feb = 2
- months.mar = 3
- months.apr = 4
- months.may = 5
- months.jun = 6
- months.jul = 7
- months.aug = 8
- months.sep = 9
- months.oct = 10
- months.nov = 11
- months.dec = 12
- /* and now from numbers to days/month & print names */
- months.1 = 'January'
- months.1.days = 31
- months.2 = 'February'
- months.2.days = 1 /* Fixed later */
- months.3 = 'March'
- months.3.days = 31
- months.4 = 'April'
- months.4.days = 30
- months.5 = 'May'
- months.5.days = 31
- months.6 = 'June'
- months.6.days = 30
- months.7 = 'July'
- months.7.days = 31
- months.8 = 'August'
- months.8.days = 31
- months.9 = 'September'
- months.9.days = 30
- months.10 = 'October'
- months.10.days = 31
- months.11 = 'November'
- months.11.days = 30
- months.12 = 'December'
- months.12.days = 31 /* Not needed, but here for completeness */
- cdir = Pragma('D') /* Get Current Directory */
- /* Open Config File, Find Out Data Base Name, Read In Data */
- if exists(configfile) then
- do
- CFValid = true
- call GetConfig
- end
- else if exists("S:"||configfile) then
- do
- CFValid = true
- configfile = "S:"||configfile
- call GetConfig
- end
- else
- do
- CFValid = false
- call PostMsg(wx1+50,wy1+50,"WARNING!!\\\No Standard Config File Found\You Will Be Asked For One\\IF THERE IS NONE, Hit Cancel",ScreenID)
- call Delay(250)
- call PostMsg
- do until(CFValid)
- configfile = GetFile(wx1+50,wy1+50,,configfile,"Select Config File, If It Exists",ScreenID)
- if exists(configfile) | configfile = "" then CFValid = true
- end
- if configfile ~= "" then call GetConfig
- else CFValid = false
- end
- /* Get the current date for later use*/
- parse value date('Normal') with curday mymonth myyear
- curday = curday + 0
- thisyear = myyear
- thismonth = upper(mymonth)
- /* Open our window */
- call MainWindow(CALHOST,CALPORT,false)
- /* Set up meuns */
- call SetUpMenus
- /* Get the required calendar */
- call cal
- call SetUpCal
- if thisyear = myyear & months.thismonth = mymonth then
- do
- daysel = right(curday,2,'0')
- previousday = daysel
- end
- else
- do
- daysel = 0
- previousday = 0
- end
- showingday = false
- call SetUpDay
- call DayDisplay
- if pm then call PostMsg
- if newscreen then rtn = ScreenToFront(ScreenID)
- time2go = false
- time2exit = false
- all_ok = true
- buttondown = false
- if pm then
- do
- call PostMsg
- pm = false
- end
- /*
- ** Handle the incoming events
- */
- do until(time2exit)
- t = waitpkt(CALPORT)
- do i = 1
- p = getpkt(CALPORT)
- if c2d(p) = 0 then leave i
- command = getarg(p)
- select
- when left(command,7) = "DAYINFO" then
- do
- parse value command with cmd "." j
- dailynote.j = getarg(p,1)
- t = reply(p,0)
- end
- when command = "ACTIVEWINDOW" then
- do
- nxtarg = getarg(p,1)
- t = reply(p,0)
- parse value nxtarg with wx1 wy1
- end
- when command = "MOUSEBUTTONS" then
- do
- if buttondown then
- do
- nxtarg = getarg(p,1)
- t = reply(p,0)
- parse value nxtarg with mousx mousy wx wy
- buttondown = false
- /* say mousx mousy */
- if IconOn then
- do
- IconOn = false
- ix1 = wx
- iy1 = wy
- call CloseWindow(CALHOST,"CONTINUE")
- call MainWindow(CALHOST,CALPORT,true)
- call SetUpMenus
- call SetUpCal
- call SetUpDay
- call DayDisplay
- end
- else
- wx1 = wx
- wy1 = wy
- if mousx > x1 & mousx < x2 & mousy > y1 & mousy < y2 then
- do
- thisday = DaySelected(mousx,mousy)
- if thisday ~= daysel & thisday > 0 then
- do
- pm = true
- call PostMsg(wx1+50,wy1+50,"WORKING!!",ScreenID)
- daysel = right(thisday,2,'0')
- call ProcessDay("FINISHPD")
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- buttondown = true
- end
- end
- when command = "DECD" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- if ~Lock then
- do
- Lock = true
- dayarg = daysel-1
- if dayarg > 0 then call ProcessDay("D")
- else Lock = false
- end
- end
- when command = "INCD" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- if ~Lock then
- do
- Lock = true
- dayarg = daysel+1
- if dayarg <= curdays then call ProcessDay("D")
- else Lock = false
- end
- end
- when command = "DECM" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- if ~Lock then
- do
- Lock = true
- moryarg = month-1
- morycmd = "MONTH"
- if moryarg > 0 then call ReadHost(CALHOST,CALPORT,"M-OR-Y")
- else Lock = false
- end
- end
- when command = "INCM" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- if ~Lock then
- do
- Lock = true
- moryarg = month+1
- morycmd = "MONTH"
- if moryarg <= 12 then call ReadHost(CALHOST,CALPORT,"M-OR-Y")
- else Lock = false
- end
- end
- when command = "DECY" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- if ~Lock then
- do
- Lock = true
- moryarg = year-1
- morycmd = "YEAR"
- if moryarg > 0 then call ReadHost(CALHOST,CALPORT,"M-OR-Y")
- else Lock = false
- end
- end
- when command = "INCY" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- if ~Lock then
- do
- Lock = true
- moryarg = year+1
- morycmd = "YEAR"
- if moryarg <= 9999 then call ReadHost(CALHOST,CALPORT,"M-OR-Y")
- else Lock = false
- end
- end
- when command = "MONTH" | command = "YEAR" then
- do
- moryarg = getarg(p,1)
- t = reply(p,0)
- morycmd = command
- if ~yeartrigger then call ProcessDay("M-OR-Y")
- else call ReadHost(CALHOST,CALPORT,"M-OR-Y")
- end
- when command = "M-OR-Y" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- if ~yeartrigger then call Processday2
- parse value moryarg with input .
- yeartrigger = false
- if morycmd = "YEAR" then
- do
- yeartrigger = true
- year = input
- call ReadGadget(CALHOST,"MONTH")
- end
- else
- do
- month = input
- call RemoveGadget(CALHOST,"MONTH")
- call RemoveGadget(CALHOST,"YEAR")
- call SetAPen(CALHOST,1)
- call RectFill(CALHOST,x1-offset,y1-offset,x2+offset,y2+offset)
- call cal
- call SetUpCal
- if daysel > curdays then
- do
- daysel = curdays
- previousday = curdays
- end
- call DayDisplay
- call SetUpDay
- end
- end
- when command = "DAY" then
- do
- dayarg = getarg(p,1)
- t = reply(p,0)
- call ProcessDay("D")
- end
- when command = "D" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- call ProcessDay2
- parse value dayarg with daysel .
- if daysel = "" then daysel = 0
- if ~datatype(daysel,"Numeric") then
- do
- call postmsg(wx1+50,wy1+50,"WARNING!!\\Day must be numeric.",ScreenID)
- call delay(200)
- call postmsg
- end
- else
- do
- daysel = right(daysel,2,'0')
- call RemoveGadget(CALHOST,"DAY")
- call SetAPen(CALHOST,1)
- call RectFill(CALHOST,263,32,287,47)
- call DayDisplay
- call SetUpDay
- previousday = daysel
- end
- end
- when command = "FINISHPD" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- call ProcessDay2
- call SetupDay
- previousday = daysel
- call DayDisplay
- end
- when command = "TODAY" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- call RemoveGadget(CALHOST,"TODAY")
- call SetAPen(CALHOST,1)
- call RectFill(CALHOST,279,86,382,107)
- call AddGadget(CALHOST,282,87,"TODAY"," Today is: \"||date('n'),"%d")
- end
- when command = "ICON" then
- do
- nxtarg = getarg(p,1)
- t = reply(p,0)
- parse value nxtarg with wx1 wy1
- IconOn = true
- showingday = false
- daybg = false
- call CloseWindow(CALHOST,"CONTINUE")
- idcmp = 'MOUSEBUTTONS'
- if newscreen then call ScreenToBack(ScreenID)
- call OpenWindow(CALHOST,ix1,iy1,125,23,idcmp,flags,"Cal-Pal")
- call ModifyHost(CALHOST,MOUSEBUTTONS,"%l%1%x %y %f %e")
- call SetDrMd(CALHOST,"JAM1")
- call SetAPen(CALHOST,2)
- call Move(CALHOST,7,18)
- call Text(CALHOST," Click Here")
- end
- when command = "FINDSTR" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- searchstr = Request(wx1+50,wy1+50,"Enter String to Find",searchstr,"FIND IT","CANCEL",ScreenID)
- if searchstr ~= "" then call FindStr(0)
- if foundit then
- do
- pm = true
- call PostMsg(wx1+50,wy1+50,"WORKING!!",ScreenID)
- if mtmp ~= month | ytmp ~= year then
- do
- year = ytmp
- month = mtmp
- call RemoveGadget(CALHOST,"MONTH")
- call RemoveGadget(CALHOST,"YEAR")
- call SetAPen(CALHOST,1)
- call RectFill(CALHOST,x1-offset,y1-offset,x2+offset,y2+offset)
- call cal
- call SetUpCal
- call DayDisplay
- call SetUpDay
- end
- daysel = dsea
- call ProcessDay("FINISHPD")
- end
- else
- do
- call PostMsg(wx1+50,wy1+50,"Requested String NOT Found!!",ScreenID)
- call delay(150)
- call PostMsg
- end
- end
- when command = "FINDNXT" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- if searchstr ~= "" then
- do
- call FindStr(dlast)
- if foundit then
- do
- if mtmp ~= month | ytmp ~= year then
- do
- year = ytmp
- month = mtmp
- call RemoveGadget(CALHOST,"MONTH")
- call RemoveGadget(CALHOST,"YEAR")
- call SetAPen(CALHOST,1)
- call RectFill(CALHOST,x1-offset,y1-offset,x2+offset,y2+offset)
- call cal
- call SetUpCal
- call DayDisplay
- call SetUpDay
- end
- pm = true
- call PostMsg(wx1+50,wy1+50,"WORKING!!",ScreenID)
- daysel = dsea
- call ProcessDay("FINISHPD")
- end
- else
- do
- call PostMsg(wx1+50,wy1+50,"Requested String NOT Found!!",ScreenID)
- call delay(150)
- call PostMsg
- end
- end
- end
- when command = "CLOSEWINDOW" | command = "QUITCP" then
- do
- if command = "CLOSEWINDOW" then
- do
- nxtarg = getarg(p,1)
- parse value nxtarg with wx1 wy1
- end
- t = reply(p,0)
- if ~saved then
- do
- result = Request(wx1+50,wy1+50,"WARNING!!\\Quit Without Saving?",," YES "," NO WAY! ",ScreenID)
- if result = "OKAY" then
- do
- call MyQuit(CALHOST)
- do until(~showlist('P','CALHOST'))
- call delay(10)
- end
- exit
- end
- end
- else
- do
- call MyQuit(CALHOST)
- do until(~showlist('P','CALHOST'))
- call delay(10)
- end
- exit
- end
- end
- when command = "SYSINFO" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- call Request(wx1+50,wy1+50,sysinfo,,"Done",ScreenID)
- end
- when command = "SAVE" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- if saved then
- do
- call PostMsg(wx1+50,wy1+50,"WARNING!!\\No Changes to Data Base\File Not Written",ScreenID)
- call Delay(150)
- call PostMsg
- end
- else
- do
- if ~CFValid then
- do until(CFValid)
- configfile = GetFile(wx1+50,wy1+50,cdir,OrigConfigfile,"Enter Config File Name",ScreenID)
- if configfile ~= "" then
- do
- parse value GetFName(database) with dbdir " " dbname
- if dbdir = "&&NULL" then dbdir = cdir
- if dbname = "&&NULL" then dbname = ""
- database = GetFile(wx1+50,wy1+50,dbdir,dbname,"Enter Data Base Name",ScreenID)
- if database ~= "" then CFValid = true
- end
- end
- /* Write out data base & config file */
- if showingday then call ProcessDay("FINISHWD")
- else call WriteData
- end
- end
- when command = "FINISHWD" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- call ProcessDay2
- call WriteData
- end
- when command = "SAVEAS" THEN
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- CFValid = false
- do until(CFValid)
- configfile = GetFile(wx1+50,wy1+50,cdir,OrigConfigfile,"Enter Config File Name",ScreenID)
- if configfile ~= "" then
- do
- parse value GetFName(database) with dbdir " " dbname
- if dbdir = "&&NULL" then dbdir = cdir
- if dbname = "&&NULL" then dbname = ""
- database = GetFile(wx1+50,wy1+50,dbdir,dbname,"Enter Data Base Name",ScreenID)
- if database ~= "" then CFValid = true
- end
- end
- if showingday then
- do
- saving = true
- call ProcessDay("FINISHWD")
- end
- else call WriteData
- end
- when command = "SPEAKNOTES" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- if ~voice then
- do
- call PostMsg(wx1+50,wy1+50,"WARNING!!\\SPEAK Handler Not Found")
- call delay(150)
- call PostMsg
- end
- else
- do
- void = true
- call open('out',SFile,'Write')
- do i = 1 to 15
- if dailynote.i ~= "" then
- do
- call writeln('out',dailynote.i)
- void = false
- end
- end
- call close('out')
- if ~void then address command "type " SFile " to speak:opt/n/s135"
- call delete(SFile)
- end
- end
- when command = "SETPARMS" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- tmpsd = seadirection
- tmpsy = seayear
- tmpsm = seamonth
- call SearchWindow
- end
- when command = "SEAOK" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- call MyQuit(CPSHOST)
- seadirection = tmpsd
- seayear = tmpsy
- seamonth = tmpsm
- end
- when command = "SEACAN" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- call MyQuit(CPSHOST)
- end
- when command = "SEADIR" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- if tmpsd = "Forward" then tmpsd = "Reverse"
- else tmpsd = "Forward"
- call RemoveGadget(CPSHOST,"SEADIR")
- call RectFill(CPSHOST,69,19,130,36)
- call AddGadget(CPSHOST,70,20,SEADIR,tmpsd,"%d")
- end
- when command = "SEAYR" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- if tmpsy = "This Year" then tmpsy = "All Years"
- else tmpsy = "This Year"
- call RemoveGadget(CPSHOST,"SEAYR")
- call RectFill(CPSHOST,60,38,139,55)
- call AddGadget(CPSHOST,61,39,SEAYR,tmpsy,"%d")
- end
- when command = "SEAMN" then
- do
- t = reply(p,0)
- if tmpsm = "This Month" then tmpsm = "All Months"
- else tmpsm = "This Month"
- call RemoveGadget(CPSHOST,"SEAMN")
- call RectFill(CPSHOST,56,57,148,74)
- call AddGadget(CPSHOST,57,58,SEAMN,tmpsm,"%d")
- end
- otherwise t = reply(p,0)
- end
- end
- end
- /*
- ** Main body of calendar procedure
- **
- */
- cal:
- /* Get a month to work with */
- if datatype(month, 'Numeric') then mymonth = month
- else do
- if month ~= "" then mymonth = month
- mymonth = upper(left(mymonth, 3))
- mymonth = months.mymonth
- end
- mymonth = mymonth+0
- if months.mymonth.days = 0 then do
- say "Month must be a month name or a number from 1 to 12, not" month
- if pm then call postmsg
- call MyQuit(CALHOST)
- do until(~showlist('P','CALHOST'))
- call delay(10)
- end
- exit 10
- end
- /* Got a valid month, now see about the year */
- select
- when year = "" then nop /* myyear is already right */
- when ~datatype(year, 'Numeric') then do
- say "Year must be a number between 1 and 9999, not" year
- if pm then call postmsg
- call MyQuit(CALHOST)
- do until(~showlist('P','CALHOST'))
- call delay(10)
- end
- exit 10
- end
- when length(year) = 2 then myyear = '19'year
- otherwise myyear = year
- end
- if myyear < 1 | myyear > 9999 then do
- say "Year must be between 1 and 9999 inclusive, not" myyear
- if pm then call postmsg
- call MyQuit(CALHOST)
- do until(~showlist('P','CALHOST'))
- call delay(10)
- end
- exit 10
- end
- /* Figure out what day of the week that month started on */
- firstday = jan1(myyear)
- /* Get difference in weekdays between this year & next */
- fudge = (jan1(myyear + 1) + 7 - firstday) // 7
- select
- /* this is a regular year */
- when fudge = 1 then months.2.days = 28
- /* This is a leap year */
- when fudge = 2 then months.2.days = 29
- /* Otherwise, it must be 1752! */
- otherwise
- months.2.days = 29
- months.9.days = 19
- end
- do i = 1 to mymonth - 1
- firstday = firstday + months.i.days
- end
- firstday = firstday // 7 /* Got the day of the week */
- /*
- * Now, go from that to the name of a day of the week. This table is also
- * used for formatting the output. The line at the top of the body consists
- * of these things concatenated together, with a space in between them.
- * The length of that string is the width of the calendar. Finally, we
- * line the numbers up under the last character of each name. All names
- * _must_ be the same length for this to work.
- */
- daynames.0 = 'Sun'
- daynames.0.x = 14
- daynames.1 = 'Mon'
- daynames.1.x = 46
- daynames.2 = 'Tue'
- daynames.2.x = 78
- daynames.3 = 'Wed'
- daynames.3.x = 110
- daynames.4 = 'Thu'
- daynames.4.x = 142
- daynames.5 = 'Fri'
- daynames.5.x = 175
- daynames.6 = 'Sat'
- daynames.6.x = 207
- indxday = firstday
- firstday = daynames.firstday /* and now it's name */
- /* Get number of days in this month */
- curdays = months.mymonth.days
- /* Next, we set up the header for the calendar. */
- headerline = daynames.0
- do i = 1 to 6
- headerline = headerline daynames.i
- end
- linelength = length(headerline) /* width of calendar */
- /* Set up the header for the calender */
- lines.1 = center(months.mymonth myyear, linelength)
- lines.2 = " "
- lines.3 = headerline
- linecount = 4 /* First line of body of calendar */
- /* Now set up to put together lines of the body */
- maxline = linecount + 5 /* 6 weeks on a monthly calendar, max */
- do i = linecount + 1 to maxline
- lines.i = ""
- end
- width = length(daynames.0)
- indxy = 50
- loc.1.x = daynames.indxday.x
- loc.1.xo = loc.1.x+doffx
- loc.1.y = indxy
- loc.1.yo = indxy+doffy
- lines.linecount = right(1, index(headerline, firstday) - 1 + width)
- do i = 2 to curdays
- if i > 2 & curdays < 20 then day = i + 11
- else day = i
- if length(lines.linecount) + width <= linelength then
- do
- lines.linecount = lines.linecount right(day, width)
- indxday = indxday + 1
- loc.i.x = daynames.indxday.x
- loc.i.xo = loc.i.x+doffx
- loc.i.y = indxy
- loc.i.yo = indxy+doffy
- end
- else do
- linecount = linecount + 1
- lines.linecount = right(day, width)
- indxy = indxy + doffy
- indxday = 0
- loc.i.x = daynames.indxday.x
- loc.i.xo = loc.i.x+doffx
- loc.i.y = indxy
- loc.i.yo = indxy+doffy
- end
- end
- return
- /*
- * jan1 - returns the day of the week that january first falls on for
- * any specific year, 1 through 9999 (assuming they don't change
- * the rules again).
- */
- jan1: procedure
- arg year
- /* Julian calendar; one extra day every four years */
- day = 4 + year + (year + 3) % 4
- /* Gregorian calendar - lose three days over four centuries */
- if year > 1800 then do
- day = day - (year - 1701) % 100
- day = day + (year - 1601) % 400
- end
- /* And the instant changeover in 1752 */
- if year > 1752 then
- day = day + 3
- return day // 7
- /* Setup the host and open window for Cal-Pal display */
- MainWindow:
- arg hostcntl,hostport,onlywindow
- if ~onlywindow then
- do
- if newscreen then
- do
- chfile = "T:++Cal-S-Win.rexx"
- call MakeScreen
- end
- else chfile = "T:++Cal-Win.rexx"
- if ~exists(chfile) then
- do
- call open('out',chfile,'Write')
- if newscreen then call writeln('out',"/**/;call createhost(" || hostcntl || "," || hostport || ",'" || ScreenID || "')")
- else call writeln('out',"/**/;call createhost(" || hostcntl || "," || hostport || ")")
- call close('out')
- end
- address AREXX chfile
- mp = openport(hostport)
- address command "c:WaitForPort" hostport
- do until(showlist("P",hostcntl) & showlist("P",hostport))
- call delay(10)
- end
- end
- call OpenWindow(hostcntl,wx1,wy1,405,400,idcmp,flags,"Calendar Pal")
- if newscreen then
- do
- call SetRGB4(hostcntl,0,0,0,8)
- call SetRGB4(hostcntl,1,7,7,7)
- call SetRGB4(hostcntl,2,0,0,0)
- call SetRGB4(hostcntl,3,15,15,15)
- end
- call ModifyHost(hostcntl,MOUSEMOVE,"%l%1%x %y")
- call ModifyHost(hostcntl,MOUSEBUTTONS,"%l%1%x %y %f %e")
- call ModifyHost(hostcntl,CLOSEWINDOW,"%l%1%f %e")
- call ModifyHost(hostcntl,ACTIVEWINDOW,"%l%1%f %e")
- call AddGadget(hostcntl,290,68,"ICON"," Iconify ","%d%1%f %e")
- call AddGadget(hostcntl,282,87,"TODAY"," Today is: \"||date('n'),"%d")
- return 0
- /* Was a day selected with the mouse? Return day number or 0 for none. */
- DaySelected:
- arg dsx, dsy
- do i = 1 to 7
- if dsx >= loc.i.x & dsx <= loc.i.xo then
- do
- do ii = i to curdays by 7
- if dsy >= loc.ii.y & dsy <= loc.ii.yo then return ii
- end
- return 0
- end
- end
- return 0
- /* Display the calendar */
- SetUpCal:
- /* Output the calendar outline */
- call SetDrMd(CALHOST,JAM1)
- call SetAPen(CALHOST,2)
- x1 = 10
- x2 = 250
- y1 = 13
- offset = 3
- y2 = 25+(linecount*11)
- call Move(CALHOST,x1,y1)
- call Draw(CALHOST,x2,y1)
- call Draw(CALHOST,x2,y2)
- call Draw(CALHOST,x1,y2)
- call Draw(CALHOST,x1,y1)
- x1 = x1 + offset
- y1 = y1 + offset
- x2 = x2 - offset
- y2 = y2 - offset
- call Move(CALHOST,x1,y1)
- call Draw(CALHOST,x2,y1)
- call Draw(CALHOST,x2,y2)
- call Draw(CALHOST,x1,y2)
- call Draw(CALHOST,x1,y1)
- call Flood(CALHOST,1,x1+1,y1+1)
- /* Output calendar */
- call SetAPen(CALHOST,1)
- do i = 1 to linecount
- call Move(CALHOST,20,(15+(i*11)))
- call Text(CALHOST,lines.i)
- end
- month = right(mymonth,2,'0')
- year = right(word(myyear,1),4,'0')
- /* Outline days with notes */
- call SetAPen(CALHOST,0)
- do i = 1 to curdays
- j = right(i,2,'0')
- if datatype(note.year.month.j.0,'Numeric') & note.year.month.j.0 > 0 then
- call Box(i)
- end
- call SetAPen(CALHOST,2)
- call AddGadget(CALHOST,300, 34,"MONTH",month,"%d%1%g",35)
- call AddGadget(CALHOST,303, 49,"DECM","<","%d")
- call AddGadget(CALHOST,320, 49,"INCM",">","%d")
- call AddGadget(CALHOST,352, 34,"YEAR",year,"%d%1%g",40)
- call AddGadget(CALHOST,358, 49,"DECY","<","%d")
- call AddGadget(CALHOST,375, 49,"INCY",">","%d")
- call AddGadget(CALHOST,261, 49,"DECD","<","%d")
- call AddGadget(CALHOST,278, 49,"INCD",">","%d")
- call Move(CALHOST,300,26)
- call Text(CALHOST,"Month Year")
- return
- /* Set up the day we are focused on */
- SetUpDay:
- call SetAPen(CALHOST,2)
- if previousday > 0 then
- do
- if datatype(note.year.month.previousday.0,'Numeric') & note.year.month.previousday.0 > 0 then
- call SetAPen(CALHOST,0)
- call Box(previousday+0)
- end
- call SetAPen(CALHOST,3)
- if daysel > 0 then call Box(daysel+0)
- call SetAPen(CALHOST,2)
- if daysel = 0 then call Addgadget(CALHOST,265,34,"DAY","","%d%1%g",19)
- else call Addgadget(CALHOST,265,34,"DAY",daysel,"%d%1%g",19)
- call Move(CALHOST,263,26)
- call Text(CALHOST,"Day")
- return
- /*Set up menus */
- SetUpMenus:
- call AddMenu(CALHOST,"System ")
- call AddItem(CALHOST,"About ","SYSINFO")
- call AddItem(CALHOST,"Save ","SAVE","S")
- call AddItem(CALHOST,"Save As","SAVEAS")
- call AddItem(CALHOST,"Quit ","QUITCP","Q")
- call AddMenu(CALHOST,"Search ")
- call AddItem(CALHOST,"Search Parms","SETPARMS","P")
- call AddItem(CALHOST,"Find String ","FINDSTR","F")
- call AddItem(CALHOST,"Find Next ","FINDNXT","N")
- call AddMenu(CALHOST,"Speak Notes")
- call AddItem(CALHOST,"Speak Notes","SPEAKNOTES","R")
- return
- /* Display current day's data */
- DayDisplay:
- if daysel = 0 then return
- if ~daybg then
- do
- dayx1 = 10
- dayx2 = 395
- dayy1 = 125
- dayy2 = 385
- call Move(CALHOST,dayx1,dayy1)
- call Draw(CALHOST,dayx2,dayy1)
- call Draw(CALHOST,dayx2,dayy2)
- call Draw(CALHOST,dayx1,dayy2)
- call Draw(CALHOST,dayx1,dayy1)
- call Flood(CALHOST,1,dayx1+1,dayy1+1)
- daybg = true
- end
- do i = 1 to 15
- dailynote.i = ""
- end
- DayNotes = note.year.month.daysel.0
- /* say "DayNotes = " DayNotes "Daysel = " daysel */
- if datatype(DayNotes,'Numeric') then
- do i = 1 to DayNotes while DayNotes > 0
- dailynote.i = note.year.month.daysel.i
- end
- do i = 1 to 15
- if showingday then call RemoveGadget(CALHOST,DAYINFO.i)
- call AddGadget(CALHOST,13,130+((i-1)*17),DAYINFO.i,dailynote.i,"%d%1%g",376)
- end
- if pm then call PostMsg
- showingday = true
- return
- /* Get configuration (name of data base) */
- GetConfig:
- call open('cf',configfile,"Read")
- CFVerify = readln('cf')
- if CFVerify ~= VerifyKey & CFVerify ~= OldVerifyKey then
- do
- CFValid = false
- call PostMsg(wx1+50,wy1+50,"WARNING!!\\Config File Not Valid\No Data Base Read In",ScreenID)
- call delay(200)
- call PostMsg
- call close('cf')
- return
- end
- database = readln('cf')
- if exists(database) then /* Read in data base */
- do
- call open('db',database,'Read')
- do until(eof('db'))
- input = readln('db')
- parse value input with yin '.' min '.' din '.' numnotes '.'
- yin = right(yin,4,'0')
- min = right(min,2,'0')
- din = right(din,2,'0')
- if numnotes ~= "" then
- do
- if note.yin.min.din ~= "Y" then
- do
- note.yin.min.din = "Y"
- ym = ym + 1
- yearmonths.ym = yin||"."||min||"."||din
- end
- note.yin.min.din.0 = numnotes
- do i = 1 to numnotes
- note.yin.min.din.i = readln('db')
- end
- end
- end
- call close('db')
- end
- else
- do
- CFVaild = false
- call PostMsg(wx1+50,wy1+50,"WARNING!!\\Data Base File Not Found\No Data Base Read In",ScreenID)
- call delay(200)
- call PostMsg
- end
- call close('cf')
- return
- /* Write Out the Data Base */
- WriteData:
- if ym = 0 then
- do
- call PostMsg(wx1+50,wy1+50,"WARNING!!\\No Data Base Written\No Data Present",ScreenID)
- call delay(200)
- call PostMsg
- return
- end
- call PostMsg(wx1+50,wy1+50,"Writing Data Base",ScreenID)
- call SortYears
- call open('cf',configfile,'Write')
- call writeln('cf',VerifyKey)
- call writeln('cf',database)
- call close('cf')
- call open('db',database,'Write')
- do i = 1 to ym
- parse value yearmonths.i with yout "." mout "." dout
- if note.yout.mout.dout.0 > 0 then
- do
- call writeln('db',yearmonths.i||'.'||note.yout.mout.dout.0||'.')
- do j = 1 to note.yout.mout.dout.0
- call writeln('db',note.yout.mout.dout.j)
- end
- end
- end
- call close('db')
- call PostMsg
- saved = true
- return
- /* Separate Directory from file name */
- GetFName: procedure
- parse arg combo .
- lencombo = length(combo)
- slash = lastpos("/",combo)
- if slash > 0 then
- do
- if slash < lencombo then return insert(" ",delstr(combo,slash,1),slash-1)
- else return combo || " &&NULL"
- end
- colon = lastpos(":",combo)
- if colon > 0 then
- do
- if colon < lencombo then return insert(" ",combo,colon)
- else return combo || " &&NULL"
- end
- return "&&NULL " || combo
- /* Draw a box around the currently selected day */
- Box:
- parse arg ii
- bx = loc.ii.x+12
- bx2 = loc.ii.xo
- by = loc.ii.y
- by2 = loc.ii.yo
- call move(CALHOST,bx,by)
- call draw(CALHOST,bx2,by)
- call draw(CALHOST,bx2,by2)
- call draw(CALHOST,bx,by2)
- call draw(CALHOST,bx,by)
- return
- /* Save any changes to daily notes */
- ProcessDay:
- parse upper arg wheretogo
- if showingday then
- do i = 1 to 15
- call ReadGadget(CALHOST,DAYINFO.i)
- end
- call ReadHost(CALHOST,CALPORT,wheretogo)
- return
- ProcessDay2:
- if ~showingday then
- do
- Lock = false
- return
- end
- k = 0
- do i = 1 to 15
- if dailynote.i ~= "" then
- do
- k = k + 1
- note.year.month.previousday.k = dailynote.i
- end
- end
- if k > 0 then
- do
- note.year.month.previousday.0 = k
- if note.year.month.previousday ~= "Y" then
- do
- note.year.month.previousday = "Y"
- ym = ym + 1
- yearmonths.ym = year||"."||month||"."||previousday
- end
- end
- else if note.year.month.previousday = "Y" then
- note.year.month.previousday.0 = 0
- saved = false
- Lock = false
- return
- /* Find a string in the notes */
- FindStr:
- parse arg dstart .
- foundit = false
- ytmp = year
- mtmp = month
- if dstart = 0 then call SortYears
- do i = 1 to ym while ym > 0
- parse value yearmonths.i with ysea '.' msea '.' dsea '.'
- if seayear = "All Years" then ytmp = ysea
- if seamonth = "All Months" then
- do
- if dstart > 0 then
- do
- if msea > mtmp then
- do
- dstart = .9
- mtmp = msea
- end
- end
- else mtmp = msea
- end
- if seadirection = "Forward" & ysea = ytmp & msea = mtmp & dsea > dstart then
- do ii = 1 to note.ysea.msea.dsea.0 while(note.ysea.msea.dsea.0 > 0)
- if index(note.ysea.msea.dsea.ii,searchstr) > 0 then
- do
- foundit = true
- dlast = dsea
- leave i
- end
- end
- else if seadirection = "Reverse" & ysea = ytmp & msea = mtmp & dsea < dstart then
- do ii = 1 to note.ysea.msea.dsea.0 while(note.ysea.msea.dsea.0 > 0)
- if index(note.ysea.msea.dsea.ii,searchstr) > 0 then
- do
- foundit = true
- dlast = dsea
- leave i
- end
- end
- end
- return
- /* Open Search Parameter Window */
- SearchWindow:
- if newscreen then spfile = "T:++CAl-SSea.rexx"
- else spfile = "T:++Cal-Sea.rexx"
- if ~exists(spfile) then
- do
- call open('out',spfile,"Write")
- call writeln('out',"/* Start Rexx Source */")
- if newscreen then call writeln('out',"x = createhost(" || CPSHOST || "," || CALPORT || ",'" || ScreenID || "')")
- else call writeln('out',"x = createhost(" || CPSHOST || "," || CALPORT || ")")
- call close('out')
- end
- address AREXX spfile
- do until(showlist("P",CPSHOST))
- call delay(10)
- end
- idcmp = 'GADGETUP'
- call OpenWindow(CPSHOST,wx1+50,wy1+50,200,100,idcmp,flags,"Search Parameters")
- if newscreen then
- do
- call SetRGB4(CPSHOST,0,0,0,8)
- call SetRGB4(CPSHOST,1,7,7,7)
- call SetRGB4(CPSHOST,2,0,0,0)
- call SetRGB4(CPSHOST,3,15,15,15)
- end
- call SetDrMd(CPSHOST,"JAM1")
- call SetAPen(CPSHOST,1)
- call SetOPen(CPSHOST,1)
- call AddGadget(CPSHOST,70,20,SEADIR,tmpsd,"%d")
- call AddGadget(CPSHOST,61,39,SEAYR,tmpsy,"%d")
- call AddGadget(CPSHOST,57,58,SEAMN,tmpsm,"%d")
- call AddGadget(CPSHOST,20,80,SEAOK," USE ","%d")
- call AddGadget(CPSHOST,110,80,SEACAN," CANCEL ","%d")
- return
- /* Sort the year/month index */
- SortYears:
- if ym <= 1 then return
- do i = 2 to ym
- do ii = 1 to i-1
- if yearmonths.i < yearmonths.ii then
- do
- sorttmp = yearmonths.ii
- yearmonths.ii = yearmonths.i
- yearmonths.i = sorttmp
- end
- end
- end
- return
- /* Let's quit a window */
- MyQuit:
- parse arg quithost .
- if quithost = 'CALHOST' then
- do
- if newscreen then
- do
- call CloseWindow(CALHOST)
- call CloseScreen(ScreenID)
- exit
- end
- else call Quit(CALHOST)
- end
- else call Quit(quithost)
- return
- /* Open interlace screen */
- MakeScreen:
- if newscreen then modes = 'HIRES+LACE+SCREENBEHIND'
- else modes = 'HIRES+LACE'
- rtn = OpenScreen(0,2,modes,'Cal-Pal',ScreenID)
- return